Days go by

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  • Hallo leute.

    Ich bin wieder der Builder mit einer neuen Idee für eine Minecraft Parody.
    Dieses mal geht es Um "Days go by" von den Offsprings.

    Hier das Original:


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    Und hier meine Version (singt sie doch einfach mal zum Original mit) :

    Run from the fight.
    It won't save you tonight.
    All your hardihood is left and you run far.
    Never enough
    Food to stay through the night.
    Looking back on the Monsters chasing you.

    Where's your braveness, where's you hearth?
    Why you're running from the fight?
    Go fight with strength!
    And it all starts again.
    What you had and what you lost.
    There are Monsters in the dark.
    Go fight with strength!
    And it all starts again

    Stars still burn bright.
    Monsters came overnight.
    As you find a way to keep the mobs away.
    Take you a torch
    it will help to get you saved
    Still not brave enougth to slay the mobs at night.

    Where's your braveness, where's you hearth?
    Why you're running from the fight?
    Go fight with strength!
    And it all starts again.
    What you had and what you lost.
    There are Monsters in the dark.
    Go fight with strength!
    And it all starts again

    Fight with strength!

    Where's your braveness, where's you hearth?
    Why you're running from the fight?
    Go fight with strength!
    And it all starts again.
    What you had and what you lost.
    There are Monsters in the dark.
    Go fight with strength!
    And it all starts again

    What you had and what you lost
    What you had and what you lost
    Go fight with strength
    Go fight with strength
    Go fight with strength

    Die Frage ist nun, ob das einer von euch singen könnte. (Ich bin ja nicht gerade ein begnadeter Sänger)
    Es dürfte nich allzu schwer sein, da das hier ein Server mit überwiegend Jungs ist.

    Wenn ihr es singen könntet, würde ich mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen!

    (An der Animation wird schon gearbeitet.)

    Euer BuilderNr1 :)